• “Post-Traumatic Winning is about DOING, actions to take, things to DO. If you only want to think about it, PTW is probably not for you.”  Mac
  • “Isolation will kill you.”  Mac
  • “The TRUTH lands with a thud and needs no salesman.”  Mac
  • “I have to learn to be a better version of me.”  Mac tweaks a statement from the documentary I Married the War
  • “SELF-DISCIPLINE is the outward manifestation of SELF-LOVE.”  Mac tweaks a Will Smith quote
  • “Emotions are responses; living with courage in The Valley of the Shadow of Death is a decision.”  Mac
  • “I have been a leader since I was a kid. The most profound leadership experiences I have had in my life have come from leading and influencing in The Valley of the Shadow of Death.”  Mac