The Daily Basic Routine
Daily Basic Routine Grid

A simple grid that you force yourself to look at every day. In this grid are the things you will do to make sure you become a better version of you… so you can live a GREAT life.
OneNote Weekly Planner & Daily Basic Routine Grid

I use Microsoft OneNote to keep my life in order. Each week I paste a copy of my Daily Basic Routine grid into my planner… which forces me to look at it constantly. There is a wise old saying that says “out of sight, out of mind” — #truth.
Annotated OneNote Weekly Planner & DBR Grid

A copy of my planner; there is a link below to download this page, and the Daily Basic Routine grid (spreadsheet).
You can see the checks and zeros in my DBR grid, that’s how I do it. Feel free to improve on it!
Be accountable to yourself… it will make your trip out of The Valley of the Shadow of Death shorter.
Click HERE for the Daily Basic Routine spreadsheet.
Click HERE for my Microsoft OneNote Weekly Planner download.